

Reverse Engineer | Android Modder

09 Oct 2022

How to Access PC at Home

Background Story

Why I want to access my PC at home?

  • It’s too heavy to carry around.
  • It’s Intel based while my laptop is a M1 mac.
  • It can run multiple VMs which my mac can’t.
  • I don’t like third-party apps.

Enable RDP in PC

Settings -> System -> Remote Desktop -> Enable Remote Desktop

(optional) Change Password

Settings -> Accounts -> Sign-in options -> Password

(optional) Change RDP Port & Add Firewall Rule

I stay with 3389. But you can change it to another port.

registry editor -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TerminalServer\WinStations\RDP-Tcp -> PortNumber -> Edit > Modify -> Decimal -> restart

Add Port Forwarding Rule in Router

Login to Router -> Add Port Forwarding Rule


