

Reverse Engineer | Android Modder

18 Feb 2022

Wireshark 101

Wireshark is tool used for creating and analyzing PCAPs(network packet capture files).

Wireshark uses OSI layers to break down packets.

7 Layers of the OSI Model

Application  - End User layer
             - HTTP, FTP, IRC, SSH, DNS
Presentation - Syntax layer
             - SSL, SSH, IMAP, FTP, MPEG, JPEG
Session      - Synch & send to port
             - API's, Sockets, WinSock
Transport    - End-to-end connections
             - TCP, UDP
Network      - Packets
             - IP, ICMP, IPSec, IGMP
Data Link    - Frames
             - Ethernet, PPP, Switch, Bridge
Physical     - Physical structure
             - Coax, Fiber, Wireless, Hubs, Repeaters

packet details

Packet Details (e.g. HTTP)

  • Frame (Physical layer): show you what frame / packet you are looking at.
  • Source [MAC] (Data Link layer): show you the source and destination MAC Addresses.
  • Source [IP] (Network layer): show you the source and destination IPv4 Addresses.
  • Protocol (Transport layer): show you details of the protocol used (UDP/TCP) along with source and destination ports.
    • Protocol Errors (not showing in the pic): show specific segments that needed to be reassembled.
  • Application Protocol (Application layer): show details specific to the protocol being used.
  • Application Data (not showing in the pic)


ARP(Address Resolution Protocol) is a Layer 2 protocol that is used to connect IP Addresses with MAC Addresses. They will contain two type of messages(operation codes):

  • Request(1)
  • Reply(2)

ARP Request

arp request

ARP Reply

arp reply

ps: filter by mac address

eth.src == [mac address]


ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol) is used analyze various nodes on a network. A ping would have a request and a reply.

Packet details:

  • type
    • 8: means that it is a request packet
    • 0: means that it is a reply packet
  • code
    • do not seem correct: a sign of suspicious activity
  • timestamp
    • identify the time the ping and suspicious activity in some cases.
  • data
    • typically just be a random data string

ICMP Request

icmp request

ICMP Reply

icmp reply


TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) handles the delivery of packets including sequencing and errors.

TCP handshake:

  • syn
  • syn, ack
  • ack

Packet Analysis

  • sequence number
  • acknowledgment number



DNS(Domain Name Service) is used to resolves names with IP addresses.

Packet Analysis:

  • Query-Response
  • DNS-Servers Only
  • UDP: the query should originated from UDP 53. If it was TCP 53 then it should be considered suspicious traffic.

DNS Query


DNS Response



HTTP(Hypertext transfer Protocol) is a commonly used protocol for the world wide web and used by some websites. It is used to send GET and POST requests to a web server in order to receive things like webpages.

Packet Analysis

  • Very straight forward. No handshakes or prerequisites before communication.

HTTP request

  • host
  • user-agent
  • requested URI
  • response


Some useful features:

Statics > Protocol Hierarchy: can be very useful in practical applications like threat hunting to identify discrepancies in packet captures.

http hierarchy

file > Export Objects > HTTP: can be useful to quickly identify possible discrepancies in captures.

http export

Statics > Endpoints: allows the user to organize all endpoints and IPs found within a specific capture. Can be useful to identify where a discrepancy is originating from.

http endpoints


HTTPS(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) can be annoying to understand from a packet analysis perspective.

Before sending encrypted information the client and server need to agree upon various steps in order to make a secure tunnel.

  • Client and server agree on a protocol version
  • Client and server select a cryptographic algorithm
  • The client and server can authenticate to each other
  • Creates a secure tunnel with a public key

Packet Analysis

All of the requests are encrypted. We can use an RSA key to view the data unencrypted.

Preferences > Protocols > TLS > [+]



